just a little nothing

Anyone else have a weird year? I feel like the human experience isn’t all that unique. I think TikTok taught me that, and speaking to people. Relatable? We all need water, food, shelter, and community. I once heard that the number one biological need is air and the number one psychological need is to be understood. At first I didn’t understand (lol) but once I let it sink in I realized that is the basis of all communication. Without understanding, what do we have? 

I think that’s why I like to write. It’s a way for me to be heard which hopefully translates to being understood. Or maybe you hate read my blog posts because you don’t get me? I am assuming the latter is just my demons talking. They can be loud. Especially as a human with a dream as grandiose (that word feels extreme, but I am keeping it) as stand up comedy. Like, what am I even doing? Is a question I ask myself daily. As I walk to my 9-5, as I walk into a comedy club, grocery store. Basically anywhere I go that question follows me. 

The only thing keeping me sane is that I think a lot of people ask themselves that. What ARE we doing? We’re on a rock in space, the host of The apprentice is our president for a SECOND time, we’re all addicted to tiny screens in our pockets and we quote nonsense like “I like my suiiitttcaseee” as we wander to get drinks with money we don’t have because a social life is more important than being fiscally responsible.. Just me? Whatever. 

This was a little whisper into the void. 

Yours truly!


I ran the NYC Marathon and I have some thoughts.