fresh starts & firsts

Hey guys, Happy (belated) New Year! I’m back.. I know I took some time off, to be honest, I wasn’t feeling inspired or motivated. My last post was on November 27th, 2023. When I started this blog in November 2022, I was using it as a way to stay accountable to writing weekly. So, this is me getting back on the blog horse to give the people what they want. Over the past year I have connected with a lot of you, and I have been even luckier to meet some of you in person after connecting with you here. 

 It’s a new year and with that, fresh starts. Time is a funny thing, the way we label and dice it up into hours, days, weeks, years, when really… it’s all the same thing, it’s just the earth spinning, or whatever #science. We give ourselves structure with days of the week. We attach meaning to these things. Monday, poor Monday, what an ugly loser she is. The cause of Sunday scaries, the doom of facing realities that we so liberally ignore on Friday and Saturday.

Every year I go into January thinking it’s the Monday of the year. 

This year has been different though. 

Instead of the monotony of  work, gym, home and trying to undo the damage of the holidays and grind through the dark cold days, I have had a lot of firsts this January. I recently read about the magic of firsts. The way they stay in our memory, and keep life fresh. This is why time goes faster as we age, we have fewer firsts. The days blend and fly past us. My dad once said to me, “time is like a roll of toilet paper, it goes fast at the end.” 

My January kicked off with shows in DC, being offered my first headlining gig at the end of the year, my first comedy festival in Florida where I met a lot of new people who I made genuine connections with and now I am in Wisconsin for the first time. It’s cold and I am not sure how much I like it, but it is a first and I will remember it for better or worse. Kidding, I am grateful to experience a new part of the country, no matter how many incels were in the audience last night. Plus, the coffee shop I just froze my ass off to get to is really cute. Small wins! 

This post isn’t to jack myself off on how great my January has been. My point.. to put so eloquently, is that.. firsts are cool. ~ feels earth shake ~

 Firsts are cool because once you do it, if you do it right, you don’t have to go back. Just enjoy the time you have and look forward to the next adventure. In the past I have been caught up trying to recreate moments that don’t level up to what they once were. It took me a long time to understand you can’t always recreate the magic of a first. So get your little asses out there, it’s a new year and there are so many firsts to be had. 

 Try heroine! Kidding, but get out of your comfort zone, or don’t. Thank you for reading and supporting. 

Time is our most precious resource, so thank you for giving me some of yours, I hope it was worth it. Now go do something cool! 

See you next week (I promise). 



chutes & ladders


365 days of oversharing on the internet