High Thoughts (While Sober)

Remember when we had those glow in the dark stars that we would stick to our ceilings and then lay in our twin beds and stare at our ceiling in awe? That was to all my 90’s babies .. if you didn’t have the stars, I am sorry. I hope you at least had a hamster or a beta fish. 

Anyways, yesterday I unboxed a “star projector” light I purchased from Amazon. I had seen it on TikTok, it’s a light that projects stars and the galaxy onto your ceiling. I turned it on and laid down in my bed in awe. I thought, wow, this is what the kids have these days.  I had to glue plastic stars to my ceiling and this.. THIS is what the kids have now?! Then I thought, I wish I liked getting high, this would be so cool. 

Before continuing down this negative ~life’s not fair~ spiral, I stopped myself and thought, how cool is it that I get to enjoy this now, at my age and sober. I get to enjoy it even more having not grown up with this technology and I get to enjoy it in the state of mind I am in 100% of the time. Sure, mushrooms and/or time traveling to my youth would be cool, but you get what I am saying. 

If I zoom out even farther, this plastic stars, light galaxy projector comparison is kind of the same thing as getting older. (Stay with me.. I promise I’m not high.) 

The older you get the more tools you have, like perspective, stopping negative thoughts and so forth. I am turning 30 this week and it has me reflecting on the last decade. I am grateful for my 20s. They were fun, messy, chaotic, beautiful, hard, easy and everything in between. I keep trying to play John Mayers' “No Such Thing” in my mind, but it does feel like life gets real at 30. 

I don’t have kids, or a partner, so sure, I still have a blank slate and a life to create.

Fuck it. 

I'd like to think the best of me

Is still hiding up my sleeve

Let’s see what this decade brings. 




Change your dreams or change your habits


An Interview with Troy Bond