first blog post

I think old things are cool again, like… Abercrombie? So I am bringing back…the ~ blog ~. Did the blog leave? No? Maybe… all I know is that our attention span left us long ago. It’s all about 10 second TikToks, Instagram Reels and whatever else we burn our retinas on.. wait are you still reading this? Omg you’re so vintage. Thank you. 

I am a stand up comedian and writer. Self proclaimed writer, I mean I am writing right now aren’t I? Just letting my insecurities show early on so we get that out of the way. Okay I have your time I don’t want to waste it so let me make this good. The reason why I write and do stand up is to connect with others. I think it’s cool, like this is the closest you're going to get to being in my head. 

Writing is like organizing, like the feng shui of the mind. Right now, I am (metaphorically) pushing the ottoman over, the couch to the right and the lamp to the left for the right #flow and #alignment. Are you feeling calm too? No? Yes? Whatever. I just hope this makes sense and I haven’t lost you yet.

Anyways, all I want to say is thank you to those who support me. If you’re reading this you’re a real one. I am going to share something once a week on this blog (accountability alert). To share an idea, a fear, an insecurity, a new recipe.. whatever I feel is relevant in that moment. I know I will cringe at all of this later but that’s growth, right? Constantly looking back and thinking. EW. I did that? Gross, what a loser I was. I have embarrassed myself, over and over and over again.. And I will keep doing it. Life is too short not to be your chaotic self and share it with those who want to be along for the ride. 

I often hold back from posting on social media, reaching out to people and over communicating but then I remember .. 

nothing matters, nobody knows what they’re doing and we’re all gonna die.

 So let’s have some fun.. Shall we? Okay, that’s it for now. 


