
How was everyone’s Thanksgiving? Mine was amazing, glorious family time, delicious food and pure relaxation. (cue the record scratch)

Okay, those elements are true but here’s the real version. I scrolled Instagram more than I would like to admit, questioned if I am “too old” to go out downtown like I used to in the “good ol’ days,” muttered to myself that I am better than everyone who never left my hometown and tried not to spiral about getting fat over the holidays. Weeee!

In the theme of staying positive (how I try to #lifelyfe) I would like to share some wins. I spent quality time with my family and friends, I got back into running daily like I used to, relaxed and hit reset which is always a win when you live in a place as chaotic as New York City. The break really was great but it’s hard slowing down when you’re used to running 100 miles an hour. It’s like slamming the breaks and sliding into the dashboard.

I found myself scrolling on Instagram seeking stimulation and entertainment from a black hole of garbage. I mean there is some good stuff on there but when I am together with my family, why do I need to watch endless boomerangs of people cheersing each other. I’m kidding, I think everyone knows not to do that anymore. If you didn’t know, now you do, please stop that. (Also, “cheersing” isn’t a word but I don’t care about the rules).

If you are rolling your eyes at this like, wow she’s so busy in her city life.. spare me.. I feel the same way. Like who do I think I am comparing stepping into the suburbs equivalent to smashing your face on a dashboard. I am sharing this because I feel like this may be relatable. I think we all run around like chickens with our heads cut off so that when it comes time to sit down and turn off the world for a moment, it’s really hard.

I think as a society we need to take inventory of what matters and what doesn’t. I will be away with family again for Christmas and I am planning to turn my phone off, throw it in a drawer and challenge myself to be fully present with the people I am with, the people who matter most.

I hope this doesn’t come off like I am on my high horse, I truly feel like human doo doo about the amount of time I spend on Instagram and the time I waste.

Life is precious and time is the most precious resource of all, I need to remember that when comparing myself to models on Instagram.

Thank you for coming to my TedTalk. See you next week!





first blog post