Three Lessons of 2022

At the end of every year I look back and think, what a shitty year. Thank god it’s a new year. New year, new me! Old me? Gross I literally don’t even know her.

This past year was different. 2022 was pretty cool, I liked it. I am sad to see her go but I am excited for what’s to come. So with that, here are three lessons I learned in 2022. 

  1. Own your flaws 

    If I go on Instagram and see a highly edited/filtered hot selfie I am going to roll my eyes. If I see someone sobbing in their car sharing something real and raw, I am going to feel connected. Unless it’s stupid, then I will roll my eyes. I’m kidding, I will still like it. My point is, people like when you’re real and show your bullshit. We all have shit, we’e human, so why not own it?

    As a comedian, if I got on stage and said things like “I am in a happy committed relationship, I contribute to my 401k, and my life is perfect, not only would I be lying but it also wouldn’t be funny. Tomato! 

    I enjoy sharing my flaws and insecurities. It’s fun to hear what resonates with people. They say shared burdens are lighter. I’ve also learned that our problems are not as unique as we often believe. We’ve all felt insecure about the way we look, hurt by someone, worried about money, etc. If you haven’t experienced any of those things, I don’t want to be alone in a room with you. 

    2. Highs come with lows and vice versa

    When things are great, remember there is a low coming. When things are bad, remember there is a high coming. This mentality has helped me when I start to get a big head or when I am sad. It keeps me grounded knowing that there is always a balance.

    Shoots and ladders, baby! 

    3. Nobody really cares. 

    Do whatever you want to do. Sure, people care that you’re alive and care about your wellbeing but if they have negative feelings about what you do, eat, wear, think, listen to. You don’t need them. We’re all on this earth for the first time. Nobody knows what they’re doing. We are all figuring it out one day at a time. All we can hope for and strive for is to be a little better each day and each year. 

    So with that, cheers to a new year, I hope these lessons help push you to do whatever the hell you want. 


If you’re reading this, ily!


One Lesson of Life


Sorry Pizza