My Meaning of Life

Last week I didn’t write. I wasn’t feeling it. There were many reasons why but one of the main reasons was ChatGBT, an AI chatbot. After trying it out I thought, what’s the point? If I can just have AI generate anything I want, why would I bother writing? Bad attitude, I know, but I’m not going to lie to you guys. 

Last week, during my ChatGBT bender, I typed in, “what’s the meaning of life?” And it spewed out a fairly open ended generic response. It said..

“The meaning of life is a philosophical question that has been debated by scholars, theologians, and scientists for centuries. There is no one answer that is universally accepted, as the meaning of life is a subjective concept that can be different for each person. Some people believe that life has no inherent meaning and that we must create our own purpose, while others believe that life has a divine purpose or that we have a moral obligation to live in a certain way. Ultimately, the meaning of life is a personal and individual journey that each person must find for themselves.”

This response left me having to come up with my own idea and think for myself?! Rude. I realized that maybe ChatGBT doesn’t have all the answers and it certainly can’t write my blog for me, in my tone with my own thoughts and emotions. So here I am, refreshed and no longer pouting that my abilities have been replaced by a robot. 

This weekend I was in St. Petersburg, Florida for two shows opening for Troy Bond with Joey Rinaldi and I found my own meaning of life.

Human connection. 

It came in so many forms. I connected on deeper levels with Troy and Joey, two friendships I value and cherish. I met so many new people, including my “ToreyboyZ” Hunter, Austin and Christian. Three guys from Sumpter, FL, a small town about two hours from St. Pete. They came to both shows, Friday and Saturday driving to and from each night. On the second night they brought us cowboy hats they signed. While they were just hats (very nice hats), they meant so much more. I love that comedy helped connect me to three incredible people I wouldn’t have met otherwise. If you’re reading this, thank you again for your love and support. It means more than you know. 

I was moved by their kind gesture and something else that happened later that evening after the show. We went to get food at a late night chicken spot. Troy and I were being idiots and taking selfies with his new hat. Troy was making funny model faces and a woman said, “you could have smiled.” We started laughing with her and she said we made her night. As she went to pay, Troy jumped in and paid for her food. She was so moved, tears streamed down her face. She told him he had made her whole week. You could tell this was something she really needed. It is moments like this that make you stop and realize it’s the little things that bring us together. Whether it’s a look, smile or kind gesture. You really never know what someone needs or how you can make a lasting impact.

After all, we’re all just sharing this little rock in space, so let’s be kind and connect. 

Thank you for reading. I won’t let another bad attitude stop me from connecting with you guys each week. 

I love you, 



four ways to get to where you’re going.. or something like that


Let’s Do It