four ways to get to where you’re going.. or something like that

So I didn’t post yesterday because it was the Super Bowl, I assumed everyone would be too busy eating wings and watching badgalriri’s concert to read whatever thought dump I wanted to share this week. Is that an excuse to not hold myself accountable to my Sunday blog posts? Absolutely, but also valid? Eh. 

(Insert motivational quote about excuses). 

Which I guess organically leads me to my topic this week, goals, dreams and how to get there. 

So I have a pretty big DrEaM. Standup comedy is not easy and climbing this endless mountain has its challenges but if I wasn’t climbing this mountain, I would be spinning my wheels in the mud. I prefer the challenge vs. the ~what the fuck am I doing with my life~ hamster wheel. Don’t get me wrong, I still ask myself that question all the time, but then I remember my why. Which if you read last week, is human connection. That wasn’t a threat, just me trying to feel like I am finding a seamless throughline in my writing. #intentional 

So with that chaotic intro, below are four ways I have gotten myself to where I am and tricks of the trade that might be helpful. 

1. Surround yourself with good people. 

They say you are the sum of the five people you spend the most time with. I truly believe this. It’s important to surround yourself with motivated individuals. People who push themselves and push you to be better.

2. Make it work for you. 

I recently read in a book called Effortless by Greg McKeow, “Rituals are habits with soul.” I loved that. Habits sometimes suck. Eat well, get all your steps in, blah blah. It can be monotonous. If you can make it fun, make it a ritual.. that’s where the magic happens. Greg gave an example where he said he took work calls from his hot tub… must be nice. My own example of this is listening to a podcast while going on a walk. Sometimes walking can feel like a chore or a tiring way to get from A to B, but if you grab a coffee along the way and put on your favorite podcast, it feels like a treat. 

3. Reward your accomplishments. 

Sometimes you have to stop and smell the roses before you get burnt out. If you don’t stop and take a breather and inventory of your accomplishments, you may never see all of the hard work you have done. It’s easy to feel worthless. Even writing this blog post, I am thinking ... what do I know? But then I stop and think, well.. You’re a stand up comedian living in New York City, making your way in comedy while also keeping a career in automotive marketing and managing a comedy club. I must know something. *me convincing myself* 

4. Keep going. 

Sometimes you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel which makes it hard to keep running into the abyss. Keep your “why” in mind, your community close by and make it fun. You gotta enjoy the ride if you want to get to the destination in one piece! 

That’s it for now, see you next week! 



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