Let’s Do It

I love questions. Pretty general statement but hear me out. The more you question everything the more you learn and the more you grow. One of my best friends always asks, “what’s your favorite_____?” I used to laugh at her because it felt like such a silly question. But the more I watched her ask it and the way people stopped to really think, I started to love this question and I often ask people their favorite (insert whatever) based on the conversation and scenario we’re in. 

To this day, one of my favorite questions is, “if you were a brand, what brand would you be?” This question came up on a long road trip with a coworker about five years ago. Me and my coworker, Jake, had to drive to Buffalo, New York and back in one day from NYC. Going into the ride I thought, what the hell am I going to talk to Jake about for sixteen hours. About four hours into the trip I started to get loopy. I am not sure what prompted me to ask but I said, “Jake, if you were a brand, what brand would you be?” He thought about it for a moment and said “Kraft Mac & Cheese.” We both erupted in laughter because it was such a spot on answer. Jake was a family man, complete with a golden retriever and girlfriend (now wife) who he loved more than anything. Everyone loved Jake, he was always a good energy at the office. It made me realize, this was more than a goofy question for a long car ride. 

I started asking people this question and every time I asked it, I learned so much about the person I was speaking to. Even the way someone answers the question tells you a lot. For example, one time I asked someone this question, they rolled their eyes and said, “What? Uummm, I don’t know. Supreme?” and then moved on like it was the lamest question ever. 

When people really take a moment to take inventory of their qualities and how they show up and are perceived in this world is very interesting. I love when I ask this question and someone really stops for a moment and then shares a well thought out answer. 

The brand I have chosen for myself is Nike. I chose Nike for many reasons. For starters it’s just a great brand. Second, “Just Do It” is one of the best, if not, the best slogan. It’s like a more sophisticated YOLO. As someone who blindly shoots from the hip and throws myself into new and chaotic situations as much as possible, this slogan really resonates with me. Additionally, many people do not know the dark story behind it. 

The slogan came from the famous last words of Gary Gilmore, a murderer on death row. Facing down a five-man firing squad his chosen words were, “let’s do it.” Dan Wieden, of the agency, Wieden & Kennedy, heard this, and liked the “do it” part. He turned it into, “Just Do It” and the rest was history. 

I love this because it’s unexpected. You never know where or what inspiration can spark but it’s pretty cool a man on death row’s final words were turned into a slogan that has inspired millions across the world. Just goes to show, you can transform anything, so Just Do It! 

As always, thank you for reading. I would love to know your brands, please DM or comment if you read this <3

See you next Sunday!


My Meaning of Life


Dating & Comedy